Wrightsville Beach Day

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I want to just pack up and move to the beach.

Luckily, we only live about 3 hours – so it’s worth a day trip to soak in the sand and ocean.

We went with my mother and father in law for a Saturday escape – it was perfect weather and tons of relaxation.

I sported a bikini with a big ol belly and didn’t feel bad at all. It’s like hello, I’m pregnant ~ I don’t think it’s as taboo as it used to be to wear bikinis while preggo – so I went with it.

We packed up the van, took a change of clothes, sunscreen, umbrellas, and beach toys – and off we went. 5 hours on the beach, a walk to the pier, jumping in the ocean, and the sun beaming made for a great day!

What’s your favorite Saturday activity?

Schooooool’s out… Summer’s Here!

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Summer is basically here, the girls had their last day of school this past Friday!! So bring on the pool days, summer projects, silly faces and cookouts!

The girls have been enjoying their week home with daddy this week building a headboard, lounging by the pool, spending time here and here – and loving summer kick off!

Rylee has suddenly become camera shy, so capturing her lately has been a chore and a fight I’m not willing to battle.

Reese on the other hand, could have her picture made all day, everyday.

Mike – well, it’s always been a battle to get him on the camera.

I swear one day, they will appreciate my “snap happy, just one more, come on, just smile” spirit!

How are you spending your summer? We have several beach days planned, a beach trip, carowinds, pool days, cookouts, baby shower, date nights, and lots of family time planned – with lots of yummy food. Because who doesn’t love summer food?!

Tea Time Sundays

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These girls are obsessed with their mother. I was just telling my Dad the other night how they remind me so much of my sister and I when we were little – always hanging on our Dad.

My forever wish is that they never get tired of hanging all over me, that we always share special dates like this together, and that they always know I cherish them.

It warms my heart and makes me unbelievably grateful for their loving hearts toward me.

A whole living room and they sit on top of me, they shower with me, they constantly bring me books/balls/cards/games to play, they wait impatiently for me to return from the gym or grocery store, they won’t go to bed without “just one more hug” :: I could go on and on.

I love them for loving me, I savor every hug and little giggle we share. This is what mother-hood is – when you love little humans you created with all of your being. When nothing they do can ever change the way I love or care for them.

On Sundays occasionally, me and the girlies like to go to O’Henry Hotel for afternoon tea time – it’s perfect. Dainty little tea dishes, delicious teas, perfect treats and sweets: all while we giggle chatting about all things girly and fun.

I was made to be a mother and our special times together like this remind me why.

Friday Night Traditions

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Recently we started taking the kids to Yum Yums in Greensboro on Friday nights then walking around the UNCG campus.

Perfect for chatting about our weeks, exploring, and spending time together.

As I plan out our summer – I typically look for movie nights, downtown events, celebrations, camps, parties… etc.

We usually spend Sundays meal prepping and relaxing or catching up on household duties, Saturdays by the pool or with family/friends, so Friday nights are our out of the house – try anything nights.

We are excited for Summer along with all the laughter and fun it brings.

Reese turns 4!

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Time flies when you have babies and they have birthdays!

Our little Reese turned 4 on Tuesday! We celebrated with cupcakes at her preschool, dinner at Mcdonalds (her choice), ice cream, Build a Bear, and of course: presents.

We will celebrate her again this Saturday with a pool party and family.

A re-cap of our girl:

  • Obsessed with Frozen everything, she dreams of meeting Anna and Elsa.
  • Still sucking her thumb – a habit we are desperate to break!
  • Loves snacks – particularly NutriGrain bars and gummies.
  • Playgrounds of any kind.
  • Pockets on her shorts – for stuffing coins, rocks, and lip glosses.
  • Hair down, no big bows and frills for this cutie – she prefers her hair down always – and with those straight locks, I’m cool with it.
  • dresses and fancy princess costumes
  • Animals – Reese loves all kinds of animals, especially Dixie and Sammy
  • Terrified of bugs: deathly terrified of flies.

Our little May baby is spunky and sassy to say the least. She believes everything is a game and truly makes us laugh often. She is stubborn about getting up, dressed, showering – but full of life and loves to chat.

Happy Birthday to our sweet Reesie-cup!

we run.


One thing Mike and I got into last year was running!

We turn it into date time really – no kids, us with thousands of other runners, adrenaline, and accomplishment.

We’ve ran the Color Runs, Race the Bar, Tarheel, Biscuitville – to name a few.

We recently ran the Tarheel 4 Miler and even though I was 19 weeks pregnant – it felt amazing! I’ve been studying ways to move up to a half marathon.. baby steps yal. Also, let me point out that I don’t think I could convince hubs to do a half – but hey, a girl can dream.

Some steps I’ve come up with in order to accomplish this are:

  • Access my level of fitness: having a baby this fall – means no half marathons this fall. My level of fitness this time last year was amazing – losing weight, eating balanced at every meal.. pregnancy is different for everyone, with that said, I’ll get back on my strenuous fitness kick once the baby arrives
  • Choose a half marathon: this makes it visible and real! Pay for it, mark it on the calendar, and prepare
  • Train at least 12 weeks prior to the big day: I’ve been researching training programs – have any you recommend?
  • Take 1 day breaks in between running days: simple, don’t over do it! Muscles tear, you fatigue, and lose focus
  • Stretch and strength train in between days
  • Nutrition game strong! When you eat good, you feel good. Feeling energized and nutritional for the big day plays a big role in how you finish.

What are your thoughts on preparing for running?

forcing your kids to play sports…

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Our girl Ry just finished up her 9th season of soccer! She started the Spring she turned 4! What a long way she has come! One of the top defenders on her team – who went 17 – 1 in an almost undefeated season this past year!

Rylee has had said since she was 6 that she doesn’t want to play anymore – but we sort of force/bribe her… shhh.

We know she isn’t one to be overjoyed about athletics – and that’s fine, neither was I – but we value the healthy lifestyle for her.

At age 9 in soccer, kids usually split up into hybrid or junior academies – while some hang around and just play rec soccer. The expensive opportunity has come up for Rylee – do we sign her up to try out for Hybrid soccer or do we let this be it for her. She’s good, so we know she would make it – but will she resent us for it later?… do we let her not play a sport at all? If she had to choose: she would rather read books and be a tutor – but how do we maintain the healthy lifestyle/team spirit that sports provide..

I read an interesting article about “forcing your kids to play sports” here

More research into the topic::

Children quitting organized sports occurs more often than one might think. Research has shown that approximately 70-75% of children will quit playing a sport by the age of 14. Why do they want to stop? Why they start or why parents put their children into a sport in the first place:
1. Competence (learning and improving)
2. Affiliation (Being a part of something like a team or a club)
3. Fitness (agility, balance, coordination, and physical health)
4. Fun (This is the overwhelming reason why children play sports)
What are your thoughts?

Afternoons Around Here..


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Our afternoons used to be so hectic it seems…

But not so much anymore – we usually all arrive home by 4 or 5p.

Everyone changes into comfy clothes, we take care of animals, check homework, tidy up from breakfast mayhem that morning, prepare dinner, and head out for a stroll to the playground.

The kids play, the parents chat, we head back for treats, showers and games or stories.

We are such an organized family – meal prepping for the week and clothes laid out on Sundays, cleaning on the Saturday mornings, daily calendar hanging in the kitchen for everyone.. it just makes things run smoothly.

Sure: we still have fights about bedtime, multiple bathroom trips and water sips, bargaining at its best – but who doesn’t. We choose our battles wisely.

5 Steps for a family routine that may be helpful for you to:

  1. Analyze the day: I start each morning in my calendar. Mike and I communicate about plans for the day: who’s picking up which kid, gym time, dinner plans…
  2. Brainstorm what you want: for us, balancing everyone’s needs and wants can be tricky – but manageable : say the kids want to go to something fun, we plan in advance which day and time works best
  3. Write it down: I am notorious for this! Just ask Mike. Whether it’s grocery lists/needs, events, favorites.. I write it down
  4. Follow the schedule: We make ours on Sundays – and we stick by it! Of course things come up so we tweak and add in without chaos
  5. Tweek as needed: Not everything goes as planned- – soccer practices, a friend needs help, extra homework – leave some room in your schedule to make adjustmentments


It’s A….


Let me start off by saying, I love my husband. I especially love his face in this pic!

We are beyond excited to be adding another baby girl to our family – I mean we are used to girls by now, so it comes with ease and happiness. My husband’s first thought: weddings and hormones.

The girls and I squealed in excitement! We had our favorite bakery, Maxie B’s, whip us up some cupcakes so that we could all be surprised together. So fun and what a sweet memory to share!