Schooooool’s out… Summer’s Here!

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Summer is basically here, the girls had their last day of school this past Friday!! So bring on the pool days, summer projects, silly faces and cookouts!

The girls have been enjoying their week home with daddy this week building a headboard, lounging by the pool, spending time here and here – and loving summer kick off!

Rylee has suddenly become camera shy, so capturing her lately has been a chore and a fight I’m not willing to battle.

Reese on the other hand, could have her picture made all day, everyday.

Mike – well, it’s always been a battle to get him on the camera.

I swear one day, they will appreciate my “snap happy, just one more, come on, just smile” spirit!

How are you spending your summer? We have several beach days planned, a beach trip, carowinds, pool days, cookouts, baby shower, date nights, and lots of family time planned – with lots of yummy food. Because who doesn’t love summer food?!

Snow Day.. FINALLY!

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When it snows here in NC – we make the most of it! We had been waiting all season for some snow worth sledding and building snow families in! And boy did we get it!! I could barely sleep from excitement of the snowfall! We got close to 7 inches – I know that may not sound like much compared to the north but yal, 7 inches in the south is good enough for me!

Even our dogs got out and played in it! We took the kids sledding – they collected some scrapes and sniffles along the way.. but we had fun! Even daddy wiped out a few times!

The best part: making snow cream for the first time (complete with sprinkles) – everyone loved it!